Home Maintenance Tips by Dustin Lloyd-Realtor

Morning everyone! Dustin Lloyd here. Wanted to bring you some helpful tips today after the earlier recording. So one of the first things, 🏠 tips, maintenance, especially this time of the year is to clean your dryer vents. So this could avoid having a 🏠 🔥 . Every time you use your dryer, you add a little bit more lint to the vent. This means the dryer is less efficient at cooling down, and it could take longer to dry your clothes, which means more electricity, higher bills. And then, but it also turns your dryer into a 🔥 hazard. So make sure that you clean those vents very good so that doesn't happen. Replacing the 🔋 in your 💨 detector and carbon monoxide detectors. It's important to do this, probably at least twice a year, if you have a hard time remembering the best time to probably do it is when you change your ⏰ for daylight savings.
And then it's advised to have one of each type of detector on every level of your home. If you have a 🧯 in your home, make sure that it's working properly, making sure that the 🧯 one is accessible and two, that the seals are intact, that the gauge or the pressure gauge is within a normal range, that there's no damage to the outside of the 🧯
If you have a chimney, it's advised to clean it once a year. Even if you don't use it all the time, debris can build up such as dirt, 🐦 nests. And so you want to make sure those get cleaned. So if you decide to use your chimney, that there's no unexpected 🔥 that could cause damage to the 🏡 . And if it is filled with debris, it could cause 💨 and carbon monoxide to go into the 🏠 , which is another reason that you should change your 💨 detectors and your carbon monoxide detectors.
Some other simple 🏠 maintenance tips to save you some money is to regularly clean your refrigerator coils, which are usually located in the back or sometimes underneath. So unplug the refrigerator, pull the refrigerator out from the wall. The easiest way is to get the brush from your vacuum cleaner and brush the coils off first. And then after that, you use a cloth to gently wipe anything left the vacuum didn't get. This should lower the running costs and reduce risk of a 🏠 🔥 . One of the other items, especially right now, because it's fall, the 🍁 are literally falling from the sky that, you should clean out your gutters. If you have filled gutters, then it could cause 💦 damage to your 🏡 and the siding. So one of the other ways to clean out your gutters or the more traditional old fashioned way is to get a shirt that you don't really particularly care for long sleeve and some gloves because that stuff in the gutters could be kind of nasty.
You wanna make sure you have a steady ladder that you can get you up to the roof, scoop out the dirt with a small shovel. And then what I would advise is lay down a tarp or a 🗑 or something below you that can catch the debris from the gutters. You never want to throw the debris directly onto your lawn. And then lastly, depending on the time of the year, if it's cold because you don't want to do if it's 🥶 is to flush your gutters out with a hose, just to make sure you get everything out of the gutters and down the drains. Another energy-efficient tip is to seal any leaky 🚪 or windows. You can get the little weather strips from a lot of home improvement stores, Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart even carries them in their hardware department and goes around the seals of your window and your door.
If they're drafty to help keep the warm air in and the cold out during the fall and the winter. One of the last things is to check your air filters at least once a month, depending on the pollution and different things in the city that you live in, it's always advised to check it regularly so you can keep those clean and having that good air in your 🏠 . And by changing your HVAC filters regularly can cut your energy costs between 5% and 15%. And the last thing that I want to talk to you about today is tune-ups on your HVAC as well. So if you want your AC to function properly during the summertime, and you want your furnace and your hot water heater and everything like that to work properly in the wintertime. It's advised to tune-up at least once a year.
You might not know exactly if and when you need this. So it's safest to schedule it annually in advance, or risk being hot on the hottest days of the year or cold on the coolest dates of the year. So if you're going to do multiple tune-ups, you know, trying to do them at the same time, if you can, and then that is all that I have for you right now. Again, you can Google a lot of different 🏡 maintenance tips, but I just wanted to bring some to you that most of you already know, but it's that time of the year. So I just wanted to give you a reminder again, if you need anything, let me know. And I hope that you have a wonderful day, stay warm!

Website: dustinlloydrealtor.com Follow me on Social Media Facebook-Dustin.Lloyd.ReeceNichols Twitter-DustinLRealtor IG- dustinlloyd.reecenichols LinkedIn- dustin-lloyd-a6954119a


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